周志遠教授作業系統 第2A講 Ch0:Historical Prospective
Multi-programming system (最初的系統)
- CPU 跟 I/O 可以重疊,讓CPU使用率提高
- Spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral operation On-Line)
- 多個Job同時Load到memory裡面,讓CPU去多工執行 (multiplexing)
Time-sharing System (新版的系統)
- Interactive between user and system
- CPU Frequently switches between I/O (keyboard/screen) and jobs immediately
- Multiple user can share a single computer
- Switch job between
- A short period of time
- 把CPU切成很多個Time Slot,讓User感覺Jobs是同時在執行
- OS 需要做的事情
- Virtual memory (disk 的空間): 讓memory塞越多的程式越好,提升CPU使用率
- File system & Disk management
- Process synchronization & Deadlock
Summary of Multi-programming System
周志遠教授作業系統 第2B講 Ch0:Historical Prospective
Computer System Architecture
Desktop Systems: Personal Computer
- Single user
- Single CPU
- Convenient & Responsiveness GUI
- I/O devices
- OS: Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Parallel Systems
- Multiple CPUs or tighly coupled system
- Communicate via shared memory
- Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)
- 每個CPU core都是對等的
- 最常見的多核心系統
- Asymmetric Multiprocessing
- 每一個CPU core有不同的task
- 一個CPU core是Master,其他的是Slave
- Large systems
- Many-Core Processor
- GPU: Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD)
[1] 11001周志遠教授作業系統|第2A講 Syllabus&Ch0: Historical Prospective
[2] 11001周志遠教授作業系統|第2B講 Ch0: Historical Prospective
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